Intro to college life

My first week of college life has been an exciting and slightly overwhelming experience.

Figuring out where all of my classes are located has been a small challenge, as one of my core beliefs for success is punctuality. I've made it into a bit of a game; attempting to navigate where all the closest and fastest coffee spots are, in relation to each wing my classes are located in, for each day. I've even placed bets with a few classmates, to see which method (self-service, full service, and mobile ordering), is the most efficient. So far my love of coffee hasn't made me late, yet! Let's hope I can maintain that record.

I've enjoyed getting to know some of my classmates and relating to them through our common interests and sharing a bit of our personal lives with each other. This is something I'm not always open to participating in, as I do have some introverted tendencies. However, I do think that socialization skills play a huge role in success, and most definitely in the field I'll be entering, once my program is completed in three years.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of my classes thus far, especially Data Communications and Computer Hardware. I like applying acquired knowledge, practically, and enjoy challenging myself. I find that I work better under pressure. I like to compare myself to lobsters. Lobsters are soft creatures living inside a hard and rigid shell. As a lobster is growing, the space inside its shell becomes confined, and it starts to feel very uncomfortable. When this happens, the lobster knows it's time to shed the old shell and grow a new one. Out with the old, in with the new!

I've created several tables and lists to keep myself on track, including a budget for each semester, month and the entire academic year. All of my assignment due dates are recorded, with links to specific DC Connect resources, and campus supports, such as SALS. I will definitely be utilizing their services if I find myself struggling.

The only thing I've been struggling with is carrying this heavy backpack around on my back all day. I heard there's a spa on campus? Definitely something I'll be taking advantage of!
